Monday 2 January 2012

Within the photographs I produce I have to experiment with different styles and editing techniques. I never used the dark room in the first year mainly because I thought digital turned out better and why would i mess with something that I am happy with.
I experimented in the dark room and I really enjoyed it more than anything. This was very different than im used to and I got some amazing results.
First I took my sellotape prints into the dark room where I exposed them for 5 seconds.
After doing this and the development afterwards I then scanned in the image using Photoshop.
I them edited them using the level.
My final bit of the experiment on which I thought of by myself was to overlap the picture gram with the original image.
The final piece was really interested. The hazy effect of the picture gram with the detail coming through of the original image worked very well.
This is definitely something I want to look into doing more of in the future.

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