Monday 2 January 2012

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many regards
My Best Achievement Yet
My best achievement outside of college with Jordan Foy Photography has to be having Blackpool Football Club as one of my clients.
The team were due to come in to Blackpool Sixth Form where  I am the Student Photographer there.
After a day of meeting people who were involved in the background at the club plus the team they asked if they could use my images for their match program. This is my first published work.
After this I have worked with them many times at such things like signings and have just recently 02/01/12 had some more pictures published in their match day program.
With me working with people like this it gives me even more opportunities in my career.
 The paths of the road
 The Jetti at Bowland
Water Colour
My Project is going really well as its coming to the final stages. After having a lot of water in my images I decided to find human presence somewhere else. I love the 3rd image because of its colours. I think this photography looks like a water colour as the orange and the green wish wash over the image and down the path. Even though there are people in the image I think they go well because it shows even in the quietest of places humans still try to adapt to the place they are in. I have also looked at country roads, empty rides and other scenic places. Throughout this I have done more experiments and I am proud to say these are my best images to date. I feel all of my learning had become very valuable and the the process from A1 to A2 has gone smoothly. I can definitely see the progress I have made.
My Biggest achievement which stands me out in college from other people is my experiment with 3D Images. I know their inst much point in showing you an image online unless you have the glasses for the image but I feel this has been a really big step forward in my experiments. I wanted the person who is viewing the image to be more involved in it. To be able to almost move in the image rather than in being a 2D image which can sometimes not be inviting. I have really enjoyed experimenting with this and the feedback you get is good as people begin to play around with the image which is what i wanted. I have also learnt by myself to do reverse 3D. This means you look into the image as it feels like your looking through a window.

Within the photographs I produce I have to experiment with different styles and editing techniques. I never used the dark room in the first year mainly because I thought digital turned out better and why would i mess with something that I am happy with.
I experimented in the dark room and I really enjoyed it more than anything. This was very different than im used to and I got some amazing results.
First I took my sellotape prints into the dark room where I exposed them for 5 seconds.
After doing this and the development afterwards I then scanned in the image using Photoshop.
I them edited them using the level.
My final bit of the experiment on which I thought of by myself was to overlap the picture gram with the original image.
The final piece was really interested. The hazy effect of the picture gram with the detail coming through of the original image worked very well.
This is definitely something I want to look into doing more of in the future.

Entering my second year of photography I felt more confident. In the past summer I had worked outside of the college and been nominated for the student entrepreneur of the year which was held at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
As my last Project in A1 Went so well I decided I would carry this forward. In the summer I had a holiday in the lake district and this is where I did a lot of shoots for my second year project as I already known what I wanted to do as this was a personal project.
These images were taken on lake Windermere. I have to pick a sub theme to concentrate on. I chose to have my images that consisted of human evidence yet with no humans in them, or very little.
For these images they all turned out a blue colour (1st image) but the second was edited. I edited this image using Adobe Lightroom which I use for all my editing.

Getting Noticed
I got noticed around the area and hoteliers and other people were contacting me asking for images. One of these was a hotel which was called The Bentleys Hotel, which was being renovated by Channel 5 Hotel Inspector. The day would consist of me capturing the event and the party. From this my local gazette wanted to cover a story on me about how I came about doing what I am doing.Here is the Link